Friday, May 10, 2024

This Lord's Day (May 12, 2024) at Rainsville First Baptist Church

On May 23, 1914, Rainsville First Baptist Church was organized (under a different name) and for almost 110 years has existed to glorify God and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This Sunday, we will gather for worship to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the church.

Our special guests will be Steve and Penny Lacey.  I have known Steve and Penny for many years having served as Steve's pastor when I was just 18 years old.  Later, he served together at North Glencoe Baptist Church when Gold City needed a baritone singer and they snatched him up.  He is a songwriter and with his wife, Penny, makes a dynamic duet.

They will also be back on Friday, May 24 singing with Gold City.  Steve was on that historic album "Pillars of Faith" 30 years ago Gold City is beginning a tour to celebrate that album.  

This Sunday is also Mother's Day and we will honor our Mothers this Lord's Day.  

Monday, May 6, 2024

"Pillars of Faith" Tour with Gold City at Rainsville First Baptist Church May 24

In 1993 and 1994, Southern Gospel music experienced a phenomenon never experienced before nor since when an album was awarded "Album of the Year" for two consecutive years.  Now, 30 years later, this album is making a comeback.

Gold City produced "Pillars of Faith" 30 years ago and they are bringing this album back this year in a special tour called "Pillars of Faith Live."  Members of the original group will make appearances with the current Gold City lineup to bring back songs like "There Rose a Lamb," "One More Will Do It, " and the acapella "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus."

This tour is kicking off at Rainsville First Baptist Church on Friday, May 24 beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Special guests that night will include Garry Jones and Steve Lacey.  The concert is in such high demand Singing News TV will be here to broadcast the concert life on their network.

The current Gold City is causing people to remember those glory days of the 90s.  The lineup of Daniel Riley (baritone), Jeff Chapman (bass), Josh Feemster (lead), and Chris Jenkins (tenor) will sing the album from start to finish plus their all-time hits like "In My Robe of White," "It's Still the Cross," and "Midnight Cry."

Tickets will go fast.  Artist Circle tickets are $25 each and are limited.  All other tickets are general admission for $15.00 (advance) or $20 at the door.

You can purchase tickets online at or come by the Rainsville First Baptist Church office Monday through Thursday from 8-1.  Hope to see you May 24!

Friday, May 3, 2024

This Lord's Day (May 5, 2024) at Rainsville First Baptist Church

Have you ever seen something and said, "I wish I had not seen that."  

Ever heard some news and said, "I wish I had not heard that."

That may be what we say after we go through Genesis 34 this Sunday.  So why are we doing it?

First of all, because God believed we should know this.  Can you imagine all that is omitted from the Bible?  And then there is Genesis 34 with rape, rage, and genocide and we say, "Did we really need to know this?"

Second, because we are preaching through the life of Jacob and this is included.  So why would we omit it?

Thirdly, "all Scripture is profitable..." (II Timothy 3:16). So this Sunday we will seek to hear what God wants to say to us about these events in Jacob's life that can help us in our life.

Just a brief warning...we will speak of rape this Sunday.  I know this can be a very sensitive subject, especially for ladies who have had to experience the horror of it personally or with a friend or family member.  We will seek to deal with it graciously and hopefully.  But I don't want you to be caught off guard as you gather for worship this Lord's Day.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What I don't like about being a Pastor

Last week I shared in this blog my favorite title for being a pastor and that is Shepherd.  It speaks of the relationship between people and pastor.  Being a pastor is like being a priest, you are the middle between God on one hand and the people on the other.  In other words, God and people are the reason you are a pastor.

But there is one major thing about being a pastor I have never gotten used to after 45 years.  And that is when people use you and misuse you leaving you wounded.  

I had an older man of the church sit in my office one day telling me I was the best thing that had happened to that church in his lifetime.  I appreciated his observation, especially since he was part of the committee that brought me to the church and his longevity in the church. But in less than a couple years, that same man left the church without saying one word to me.  What happened?  

I have been verbally assaulted privately and publically (in church business meetings) by people who had told me how much they loved me and appreciated me just months (sometimes weeks) earlier.  I have had those who would bring us large gifts at Christmas one year, and the next year it was smaller, and by the third year, there was no gift at all.

There are people in the church who look at the church only through political glasses.  I'm not saying  Republican or Democratic glasses (although they are those too), but those who will see the pastor as only someone to advance their agenda. And if he dares (sometimes not even knowingly doing it) to abort that agenda or detour it, then they immediately turn.

One thing for any pastor who might be reading this blog.  I have learned this slowly (oh so slowly), but after 45 years of pastoring, I have found it to be so, so very true.  This is sad but true.  There are certain individuals in the church who will give every pastor trouble. There are other individuals who will never like any pastor they have.  They didn't like the last pastor.  They didn't like the pastor before him.  Oh, they will like you for a while, but then...something you say, do, or don't do and you are on their "no-fly" list.  (LOL)

When that happens, just understand, it's not you.  It's the office they don't like.  There is no way every pastor can be that bad or unlikeable.  This came to me from an older deacon several years ago.  I had received a very bad and long letter from an older lady in the church telling me where I could go (you get the drift) and take my music guy with me to that place of abyss.  So I just took the letter to the Deacon's meeting and read it and asked the brothers what to do.  One older brother immediately spoke up and said, "Oh preacher, she did that to Bro. _______ and called the name of the former pastor."  I immediately folded the letter back up and put it away having learned a great lesson. 

Well, in spite of it all, I am glad God called me to be a pastor. I love the sheep. 

