Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reviving some thoughts from Russia

I was going through some "old" piles of paperwork today and found my journal from my Russian Mission Trip in November, 2003. As I was re-reading my notes, I came across some thoughts that I would like to resurrect here for they spoke afresh to me.

While there, I had the privilege of visiting a house pastor who was about 65 years old but had been pastoring a house church for over 25 years. He was almost arrested by the KGB on one occasion but had a unique escape that I won't go into here.

These are some of my notes that he told me that night:
* "Always keep your heart open to the Lord. We can all learn from others because we don't know the truth of God fully. We need not boast since we are incomplete - we need each other."

* "There is a wall between Baptists and Pentecostals." I asked what could heal the breach, he said, "To reach the level of true love. True love does not boast nor magnify oneself."

* He said he was ashamed to be so old and know so little. But he said, "I am understanding more and more of Jesus the older and older I get." He said he was 60 when God revealed to him about His love. He stated further, "In my last years God teaches more and more."

* Concerning the persecution, I asked him if freedom now for them or persecution was better for pure Christianity. He responded, "God will decide what is best. But persecution increases the grace of God."

The house was very common but I can still remember with vividness that small living room and me kneeling down before him for him to lay hands on me and pray for me. I truly believe that everytime God permits me to go overseas there is always one unique experience that He wants me to encounter during the trip. Meeting this dear brother was mine. I actually visited there twice just to talk and learn more.

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