Monday, August 4, 2008


I have not written much about Reagan and Aaron here because I have directed you to both of their blogs where you can keep up with them.  However, I must say a word about each.

At Reagan's blog, they have published the funny picture of me and Reagan wearing our purple noses while she was in the hospital.  If you haven't seen it, go there.  Reagan is home and according to Allen, doing very well.  They are having family meals together in the living room and a nurse is with them assisting three days a week.  We continually give praise to God for this miracle.

Aaron is progressing well except for a couple set backs.  Mainly pray for his bladder to fully awake and work.  He has had to have the catheter put back three times now.  He may be discharged this week.

I had the privilege last night of preaching for Frank Whitaker at Barton's First Baptist Church for their Awesome August Sunday Nights.  Frank and I have been friends since the 80s and I highly respect him and the ministry God is doing through him at Barton.

Yesterday was the lowest attendance we've had certainly this summer and possibly this year. But with the beginning of school this week and with the church taking a week of "R & R" - I have no complaints.

We've had a great summer at CrossRoads and with the finishing of the building this fall, the fall looks even better.

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