Sunday, September 20, 2009

My heart bleeds for Pastor Tullian Tchividjian

I don't know if you have followed the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church where Dr. D. James Kennedy was long-term pastor before his death. The church called Tullian Tchividjian, grandson of Billy Graham, as their pastor on March 15 and agreed to merge the new church start he was currently pastoring with this traditional church.

Well, some of the members did not like that the young Tchividjian didn't wear a robe like Dr. Kennedy and did not have such a politically centered church, as Dr. Kennedy. So a revolt started led by Dr. Kennedy's own daughter to have Tchividjian removed. Here is a full story of those details.

The elders supported the pastor, but due to their bylaws had to call for a vote on him due to the number of petitions presented. That vote was today and the results was he won by 2/3 majority. Here is the full story.

My heart goes out to this church, but especially this pastor. My heart bleeds for him and his family as they have had to endure these days of criticism just for being themselves and doing what God called them to do. May God heal them and reinforce them as they continue on in the kingdom. I will certainly continue to pray for them and the church.

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