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Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Leave a Church Properly - Part IV

This past Sunday (6-3-12) I preached "How to Leave a Church Properly."  I have been blogging all week about the message.  Here are three ways to leave properly.
  1. By death
What an honor to leave by death in a church where you have been a long-term member and the church loves and respects you and will miss you.  What a legacy.
  1.  By definite derisions 
  •  If the church teaches wrong doctrine about some of the essentials of the Bible (Gospel, Trinity, who is Jesus, Inerrancy of the Bible) - then for the sake of your own spiritual well being and your family, then get out.  You need to speak to the spiritual leadership about these main doctrinal issues, but these are deal killers.  Other lesser doctrines are not.  You can believe differently about an issue such as the spiritual gifts, frequency of Communion, end times, and God may say to you, "Stay."  I believe that God could lead you to stay in those situations. 
  1. By the leading of the Holy Spirit
We require someone to be able to say that the Holy Spirit is leading them here before they can join; why should we not expect the same from those who sense it is time to leave.  If the Holy Spirit is really leading you to another place, then why can you not speak to the Pastor or your LIFE Group sharing that information so all may rejoice with you, love on you and bless you as you go?  

It happens very seldom because most people leave churches for reasons given earlier this week.  May God forgive us and correct us. 

Final thoughts:  It may well be that God will lead His sheep to another fold, but He will do with integrity and with spiritual health.  Follow closely to our Lord so you can leave with grace, honor and right motives so  God can continue to bless your future ministry and life.