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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Update from Sunday's message

Later today I will be posting the audio and sermon notes from Sunday's message "How to Detect the Judgement of God" concerning the judgement of God on our nation.

In the course of the message I was speaking concerning how we should respect our leaders and even give "thanks to God" for them because they are only in the place of authority because of God's authority, not theirs.

As I recall, I said, "No one should speak bad of President Obama."  Let me assure you that our liberties in America permit you to say just about anything (within limits) that you wish to say about anybody.  But the point I wanted to make was that as a Christian, we must not speak in a demeaning way filled with bitterness, anger and hate.  We need to watch our attitudes and our words.

It greatly troubles me when I hear anyone speak harshly of our President.  One does not have to agree with everything or anything, but we need to respect the office in our speech and actions.  For in my opinion, it is a respect that reflects on God, not just the President.

This lack of respect across our nation (in both political parities) is greatly troubling.  I remember hearing a man recall his mother's (who was quite aged) talking her views of the President.  They were discussing that she did not vote for the current President, but was quick to say, "But he is my President now."  From what I remember, that conversation took place in the 60s.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us rise above the sewer politics and statements by honoring God by honoring those God puts in office.  I doubt very strongly that God approves of many of the actions of our current President, but he is not in office without God allowing him to be there.  Is this an act of grace or judgement on us as a nation?  As I said in the message Sunday, America is under the judgment of God.  So I'm afraid it doesn't matter what party has their man or woman in the White House, there are in for a long road if they continue to fight against God.