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Thursday, August 23, 2012

These changes occur by the Word of God

The past three days I have shared thoughts from last Sunday's message on metaphoris - visible changes motivated from within.

From where does these visible changes originate?  From without - we see behaviour or actions in others that we want so we imitate them?  No... we are not copy-cats.

These changes occur from within.  The butterfly does not begin looking like a butterfly.  It begins with the implementation of a seed that grows by feeding on the leaves.

The initial conversion and the continual sanctification of a person comes from a "seed" being implanted within the soul, heart, mind.

The seed is the Word of God.  Matthew 13 speaks of the seed as the Word of God.

James 1: 21-25 challenges us to "receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your  souls."  The "implanted" word - it takes root and grows.

Peter writes in I Peter 2:2 "as newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby."

The word "pure" means "unadulterated."  My translation - "not messed with."  The growth of a believer comes from YOU getting the Word implanted directly into your soul.  This is where growth takes place.

Every believer can receive the pure Word of God.  You do not have to have a pastor, preacher, author or seminary degree to understand and receive the Word of God.  That is not to diminish these sources, but it is to emphasize and prioritize the personal receiving and study of the Word of God.

The Bible and our teacher - the Holy Spirit - is sufficient for you to receive the "implanted" word and for it to take root in your life ultimately resulting in visible changes.  Other resources are good and helpful, especially in areas of accountability to assure we are not getting off on the wrong track, but NEVER believe reading a book by a Christian author or hearing a pastor is enough.  It is not!

Peter said, "that you may grow thereby."  Take in the pure Word of God in order that you may grow.

This is the motivation for change.  This is the root from which comes the fruit.  As you take in the Word and obey, you will be changed "from glory to glory."  (II Corinthians 3:18)

Jesus ALWAYS believed a person had only "heard" the Word when they were doing the Word.  Have you ever said to your child after they did nothing to a command, "Did you hear me?"  You were not asking if their physical ears received your message.  You know they "heard" you.  But you were upset due to the lack of corresponding action to what they heard.  You wanted to SEE change.

So does Jesus in us.  He speaks the Word, we receive (hear) it and change into His likeness.

More tomorrow.

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