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Monday, July 22, 2013

Persecution and Poverty - Part One

Yesterday, July 21, 2013, I shared with the congregation at CrossRoads Baptist Church something that has been on my heart for a long time and just recently received new revelation concerning.  In the next 3-4 days I will share my thoughts via this blog.

Have you ever wondered why we in America are not seeing the might manifestation and growth of authentic Christianity like many places of the world are currently seeing?  Many are being saved with evidence of not only personal transformation, but communities and even nations are being transformed.

Places like China, Cuba, and areas of Africa are revealing a thriving church.  Places like South Sudan and Uganda (in Africa) are becoming Christian nations.

We saw in the magazine Prayer Connect a story of Dr. Jim Denison who recently was in Cuba.  He reported more than a million Cubans have come to Christ in the past ten years.  In his first trip, he told a local pastor he would pray for persecution against the people to lessen.  He asked Dr. Denison not to do that, explaining how the suffering had birthed the revival.  The pastor went on to say that other Cubans are praying for increased persecution to come to American Christians.

We know from Evangelist Ed Lacy who has been going to Cuba for many years also gives witness of the glorious church that is there in that Communist country.

Why China? Cuba? Southern Sudan?  I'll give you what I sense is the answer in the days ahead.

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