Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Verse That Saved by Life by David Jeremiah

"That Verse Saved My Life"

My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.
Proverbs 1:10

Recommended Reading
Referring to Proverbs 1:10, Barry Black, Chaplain of the United States Senate, wrote: "This simple Bible verse saved my life during my early teenage years when I refused to follow two friends who eventually murdered someone. The same morning I memorized this verse, I refused to go with them. The refusal kept me from going to jail for life -- the penalty they received for the crime. God's warnings are designed to protect us, not to destroy our joy. He challenges us to refuse to follow sinners."1

When we accept the Word of God, it ultimately affects our decisions, our walk, and our entire life. It provides rules when we don't know where the guardrails are. And it's a fountainhead of strength when we're overcome by fear or weakness.

Are you currently memorizing a particular verse or passage from the Bible? If not, find a verse and begin today. You might start with Proverbs 1:10. You never know when the right verse at the right time will save your life.

1 Barry C. Black, The Blessing of Adversity (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2011), 100.

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