Wednesday, November 9, 2016

So What Do We Do Now? By David O. Cofield

I am writing this on Monday, November 7, 2016 and it is scheduled to go "live" on Wednesday, November 9 at midnight.

The Presidential Election is now behind us and while at the time of this writing I do not know who will win, the question I pose today is "So What Do We Do Now?"

Since my answer is not dependent on the person or party that wins the election, I can write this article with full confidence before the election. My answer is founded deeply in the Word of God.

For you see, whoever wins the elections will not change the Gospel or what the church is about.  So, what do we do now?

1.  We pay our taxes.  - Mark 12: 17
Jesus affirmed his followers pay what is due to Caesar and that He has already provided everything we need to legally pay our taxes.

2.  We pray for our leaders - I Timothy 2: 1-2
No matter who are leaders are and what your view of their policies, followers of Jesus pray for their political leaders - those in authority over us.  Paul further suggest, by praying, our attitudes and lifestyles are affected to lead peaceful, quiet, dignified and godly lives.  For more, read this blog. by James Emery White.

You might want to read what Max Lucado wrote about how to pray for President Obama here.

3.  We honor our leaders - I Peter 2: 13, 17
Peter is writing to persecuted believers challenging them to have godly attitudes of honor toward the vile, evil emperors of their day. We would be wise to remember the government leaders of the New Testament days were far more pagan, hostile and unjust than anything we face in America. Honor is not dependent on their actions, but our attitude and their office.  No follower of Christ is to be rude toward those God has placed in authority.

4.  We give thanks for them. - I Timothy 2: 1b
In this season of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to God for them.  It was through God's power and authority they were granted the privilege to lead.  Yes, whoever was elected is most likely a part of the judgment of God on this nation, but again it is God who is in control, not man.  For that, we are thankful.

My last word, let's keep focused on what the church is to do - share the Gospel which is the only power promised by God to change lives for now and eternity.

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