Friday, April 12, 2019

The Gospel According to Noah....The sermon this Sunday at Rainsville First Baptist Church

You may think the title of this message is sacrilegious.  The Gospel only belongs to Jesus.  But when you look at the Scriptures, the Gospel is called The Gospel of the Kingdom, the Gospel of the grace of God, The Gospel of God, the Gospel of His Son, the Gospel of peace, the Gospel of your salvation.  And twice is called Our Gospel and then three times (Romans 2:16; 16:25 and II Timothy 2:8 Paul calls it “my gospel.”

So let me ask…what is your gospel?  What is the gospel according to you?  Because that is the gospel that saves or damns you…what you believe and act on.

In this glorious story on the life of Noah, we clearly see the Gospel preached and illustrated.

II Peter 2:5 reminds us Noah preached the gospel.  So what gospel did he preach?

John MacArthur said there are only two points to the Gospel message:
1. He judges sinners.
2. He rescues sinners from judgment.

So every person is either under the judgement of God or has been rescued from the judgment of God.

This Sunday morning at Rainsville First Baptist Church in the 10:15 worship service we will examine "The Gospel According to Noah."  

Tomorrow and Sunday afternoon are the last two days of the spring Puppet shows.  Both days there are shows at 3:00 and 6:00.

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