Monday, March 11, 2024

Jesus in the Midst of His Church - The Church at Smyrna

Revelation 2: 8-11 speaks to the church at Smyrna revealing a unique part of the revelation of Jesus from chapter one.   He is "the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life:..."

Jesus is the Faithful One, the overcoming One.  He perseves. He will always be faithful because He is at the beginning of your trial and at the end of your trial.  He will not leave you in the midst of your trial, no matter how hard it may get.

Why? He experienced the worst end of a trial anyone could experience - death.  He became dead but came to life.   He once was alive, but experienced death, and came back to where he was...alive.  

So to the dear church in Smyrna who is going through great tribulation (pressure like a heavy rock sitting on your chest), poverty (extreme poverty having been cut off by the Jews), and persecution (from within as a Jew and without in the Roman Empire).  

But Jesus says "I know..." (2:9).  Jesus knows our tribulation, poverty, and persecution.  He knows about our trials because He has been through them.  So he can say in verse 10 - "Do not fear any of these things."

So how do you get through these tough times?  Look to Him who overcame (verse 11) and you will be able to overcome.  He promises (verse 10) that these trials will not last long - maybe just ten days.  He doesn't mean a literal ten days, but He is saying no long. And even if you experience death but are faithful (preserving), like our Lord, you will have eternal life, and "the second death" will not hurt you.

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