Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Do You Have a Mother Who Prays For You?


Sabina Wurmbrand (1913-2000) and her husband, Richard, founded The Voice of the Martyrs.  Sabina was imprisoned for three years in Communist Romania, forced to work as a slave laborer on the Danube Canal.  

One of the stories she knew first hand was when the Soviets invaded Romania they deported all the Christians to Siberia where they were forced to cut a specific number of trees each day.  If they did not meet their quota, they did not receive their soup that evening.

There was a Christian lady in the work camp named Lidia. One day thieves stole her work that day so she was not permitted to have soup that evening. Hungry and knowing that she could not sleep, Lidia left her cell and walked out into the prison yard. As she was walking, praying and weeping, she heard a man's voice calling her, 'Hey, hey, do you have a mother?"

As if awakening from a dream, she looked behind her and saw a Soviet officer with a revolver in his hand. "Hey, do you have a mother who prays for you?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, I have a mother who surely prays for me," she replied.  "Why do you ask me?"

"For half an hour, I have been running after you with this revolver to shoot you because you are where you are not allowed to be," he told her. "But now I cannot move my arm.  It is surely your mother who prays for you. NOw run back immediately, because it someone sees us here he will shoot us both."

This story appears in The Voice of the Martyrs January 2021 magazine.

Do you have a mother who prays for you?  I sure did and according to Revelation 5:8, they are still going to the Father for me.  If you have a mother who prays for you, then you are truly blessed. 

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