Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Clay Crosse on his decline and renewal Part II

I started yesterday this post with several quotes from the book I Surrender All by Clay and Renee Crosse. The author is Clay Crosse, a Christian artist, who writes on his struggles with pornography.

Here are more quotes from the book.

"Our problems had stemmed from the deadly combination of casual Christianity and self-centeredness." (Page 159)

"I never read my Bible during those years." (Page 88) And Crosse is describing the years when he was attending church but living life as if he was in control.

"Pornography wasn't our biggest problem." (Page 105)

"We had to stop living for ourselves and instead live for the Savior we both professed to love and to follow." (Page 105)

"I also carried around this idea that it didn't really matter what I did because Jesus would forgive me. My self-centered, casual approach to God used the Cross as my carte blanche to keep on sinning so that grace could increase. Everything changed when I saw how my sin had nailed Jesus to the cross. I was personally responsible for His death." (Page 106)

"However, after I rededicated my life to Christ, I found that God gave me an insatiable appetite for more of Him. I wanted to know Him better. My appetite for God led me to His Word." (Page 120)

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