Monday, May 8, 2023

Would You Become a Prayer Walker?

There is power in praying on location.  Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, not far from the cross where He would die.  

When you pray for a school, there is added power when you can go to that school parking lot and with the school in view, pray.  Pray for the principal, administrators, teachers, nurses, custodians, bus drivers, and especially the children.  Pray for protection over the property and ask God to grant patience and wisdom to all who lead.

Walk around your City Hall, Police station, Fire hall, Courthouse, and County Jail praying "for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."  Pray for Godly wisdom over our leaders, pray for angelic protection over our police and first responders, and pray for Godly wisdom and courage for our judges, attorneys, and their staff.

When you pray for your church, go physically to the church and walk its halls, sit in the classrooms, enter through its doors, go to the musical instruments and singer's stands, stop at the pulpit, and walk through the auditorium seats.  Even go to other churches in your community and walk around their building blessing them, the pastor, and praying for revival there.  That is Kingdom praying!!

That is why we have moved our Sunday morning prayer time  (8:30) to pray through our Auditorium.  We come to saturate the Auditorium with prayer and seek the agenda of heaven on our worship gathering and those who will come to sit in those chairs.  God knows who will be seated in every chair, and as we are sensitive to His Spirit, we can pray for that person.  Pray against demonic activity and for the Holy Spirit to have complete freedom to reign during worship. Pray for the preaching of the Word and the invitation.

What about your neighborhood?  Walk through your neighborhood slowly and observe.  If there are small toys in the yards, then pray for the parents for God to grant them wisdom, pray for the marriage to be strong and protected from the evil one, and for those parents to recognize and assume their God-given responsibility to raise their children in the "admonition of the Lord."

Pray for the children.  Ask God to protect them from the eyes and intents of evil people who would want to abuse them, kidnap them, or even worse, kill them.  Pray for them to enjoy their childhood with laughter, play, friends, and dreams.  Pray for God to grant them open eyes, in time, to see themselves as sinners and Christ who is able to save.

If the home has a boat, RV, expensive cars....give thanks to God for that home to be able to enjoy these additions to their life.  But also pray they don't use them as an excuse to not obey God's call to worship regularly and to care for others.  Pray against the idol of covetousness, greed, and pleasures of this world.

If an older couple lives there, pray for good health and happy times.  Most likely the couple has experienced grief, so pray for God to sustain them and comfort them.  Pray for them to be saved, and if they are already, to remain passionate about their Lord and His church.  Pray for them to share their Godly wisdom with others.  Pray for their family to "see" them and care for them.  Pray for grandchildren not to forget them.  

Finally, what about praying, onsite, for the nations?  We will share more about this next Monday.

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