Monday, November 20, 2023

Implications of When Life Begins - Part Three

So the last two weeks we have learned only God is the source of life and mankind is only stewards of the gift of life. Since life can only come from life, then all life is a gift of God. 

Life begins when a living cell produces another living cell. At conception.

So what are the implications of this sacred truth?

1. There is no such thing as an "unwanted" pregnancy.  Since no pregnancy can happen with God approving it, then all pregnancies are ordained by God, the giver of life.  This gives each person purpose and meaning.  No one is an accident.  

This is what captured Jeremiah's heart in Jeremiah 1: 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

God is assuring Jeremiah in his time of distress and doubt that it was for this purpose of being a prophet God permitted Jeremiah to come into this world.  And that is the same for each one of us.  We find our purpose only when we realize it was God who ordained us to be born at this particular time and place.  He makes no mistakes.

There may be "unplanned" pregnancies according to man, but not to God.  Let me remind you, our whole gospel rests on the foundation of an "unplanned" pregnancy.  Mary did not plan to get pregnant and her pregnancy was no normal pregnancy, because it came directly from God.  Joseph had a legal right to put her to death, but only when God intervened through an angel did it stop. 

2.  We must seriously encourage all those who are pregnant to steward the life within them well. 

I want to introduce this generation to a lady I remember from my childhood.  Her name was Ethyl Waters.  She was a frequent soloist with the Billy Graham Crusades.  She was born October 31, 1896 and died September 1, 1977.  What I remember about her life was her mother was raped by a man at the age of 13 which produced Ethyl.  Thank God her mother did not get an abortion. 

Ms. Waters had a multi-flavored life of singing and acting, but she rededicated her life in a Billy Graham Crusade and became a regular.  My favorite song she would sing is this:

One last matter what anyone has ever done with a pregnancy, their life, or another life....our God is a God who is bigger than our sins.  There is only one sin God will not forgive and it is NOT abortion or murder. Romans 5:20 - "But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more."  There is no sin greater than the grace of God.  God's grace is greater than any and all of our sins.  Turn to Him today to find rest for our souls. 

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