Monday, November 13, 2023

When Does Life Begin? - Part Two

Last Monday we Scripturally saw only God is the source of life and there is no life without God granting it.  When God gave "life" to the first man in Genesis, he also gave man the command "Be fruitful and multiple; fill the earth...."

God gave man the power to transfer this life.  Where did the first woman come from?  Man.  The first man did not come from a woman, but God, and the first woman came from man.  Man is the steward of the life God gave him.

As I said last week, we are stewards of this life, we are not the originators of this life.  We will answer to God how we viewed, handled, and propagated this gift.  

So life does not come from the woman, but is given to the woman through the man.  She, like the man, is a steward of the gift granted to her by the man as an instrument of God. She is to care deeply, and reverence supernaturally the gift of life inside of her.  She, like the man, will give an account to God for how she stewards this unique gift.

So when does life begin?  Since living cells can only come from living cells, then the moment the single cell of life comes into the womb of the woman and fertilizes, there is life!!!  Even before she knows she is pregnant, she is pregnant with life.  For life begets life.

Yes, life begins at conception.  That's the only answer.  

Thus, it is both the man's and the woman's responsibility and privilege to steward the gift of life given and carried.  The woman could not have become pregnant without the gift, and the man did not give the gift as if he is a superman and creator of life.  Both received the gift of life from God.  

The seed of life does not belong to either the man or the woman.  This settles the argument that "its my body and I can do with it what I want." 

That seed planted by the man and united with the egg of the woman is now a separate living being - unique with his/her own blood type, DNA.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;"

One last word...only God determines when conception happens and when it does not.

Several times in Scripture a couple was barren and they would pray asking God to "open her womb" and He would.  God is the one who permits conception.  He is actively and personally involved saying "yes" or "no."

So when to add one other word to the answer to the question of when life begins...when God says so. 

Psalm 139: 13 "For You have formed my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother's womb."

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