Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The God Revealed to Job is Our God Today

In 2019 I did a year-long study leading our church through the Book of Job.  I called it "The Pain of Suffering Alone."  I was recently reading again some of the highlights of the book of Job when I once again climbed the peak of God's sovereignty as revealed to Job in chapter 42.

It is in the backdrop of chapters 38-41 when God reveals through a series of unanswerable questions of who He is over opposed to who Job thought, as a mere man.  Then the great response of Job in 42:2 "I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of YOurs can be withheld from You."

Job finally grasps that God is so great that He can and does control supernatural evil in his good government of the world.  Evil is not without control and is not independent of the all-powerful God.  There is no eternal struggle between God and Satan.  That was settled before the foundation of the world and Satan knows his limited abilities.  

As one said, "Satan is on God's leash."

Luther described Satan as "God's Satan."

Romans 8: 28 is true even in Job 42 - God is able to work everything (evil and good) for HIs purposes.  And no purpose will be withheld from Him.

Do you "know" this?  (42:2) If so, it will change the way you look at EVERYTHING in your life personally, family, church, community, nation, world.  EVERYTHING....God is bigger and better than it all.



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