Friday, August 16, 2024

"Times of Spiritual Renewal" at Rainsville First Baptist Church August 18-20, 2024

This Sunday we begin "Times of Spiritual Renewal" here at Rainsville First Baptist Church.  Our schedule:

This Sunday, 10:15 AM and 6:30 PM

Monday and Tuesday: 6:30 PM nightly

We welcome Dr. Jeff LaBorg to our pulpit for these days of renewal.  Dr. LaBorg is Pastor of the Fairview Knox Church in Corryton, Tennessee since 2015.  The church has experienced record growth, baptisms, and in 2020 purchased over 80 acres for ministry and future relocation.

Just this year he completed his Ph.D. in Advanced Prophetics/Eschatology.  He has done post-graduate studies through Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel and leads teaching tours to Israel.  He has earned four academic degrees from Liberty University, Liberty Theological Seminary, and Louisiana Baptist University.

He and his wife, Kristi, have two children and four granddaughters.

You are invited to join us in person at 223 Church Avenue, Rainsville, AL for these services or watch online at 

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