Friday, August 18, 2017

From the Shepherd's Heart...Friday, August 18, 2017

This Lord's Day, I will be bringing the church family to the closing verses of Luke 9.  These verses have been weighing on me ever since I knew I was preaching the Gospel of Luke, and even more so as we approached chapter 9.  These are "heavy" verses with a heavy message.

But I say that only because it is a message we are not accustomed to hearing.  It will appear "heavy" only because our normal expectations of someone following Jesus is, "If you want to follow Him, come on.  Come one, come all.  He will gladly receive you."

Not is simply not the case and we will see that in Luke 9: 57-62.  In fact, these are so important and valuable, I will take two Sundays to walk gingerly through these verses.

These verses could contain the "seed" of all Jesus does the rest of His earthly life and how Luke accounts for it in chapters ten and following.  We will see some of this on Sunday.

So, this Sunday I will lay the foundation as we see the exact teaching of the three men who wanted to follow the Lord and our Lord's response.  August 27 I will conclude the message with two "so-whats" of application to our lives.  I wish I could do all of this in one Sunday, but to be true to the Scriptures and in respect of time, this will be a "two-seater."

I hope to see you Sunday in the Lord's House with your Bible marked to Luke 9.

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