Wednesday, April 4, 2018

From the Shepherd's Heart....Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Resurrection Sunday is now in the past but the impact of the Jesus' resurrection is a daily, on-going experience.  Thank the Lord we are not religious people who only observe special days and then move on with our "normal" lives.  Instead, the special days we celebrate are because of the impact of our daily lives.

We don't celebrate our wedding anniversary once a year and then go back to living separate, single lives. Instead, we celebrate the anniversary annually because of the joy and commitment of a daily walk with our spouse.

Jesus is alive today and in me as much as He was Easter Sunday and will be tomorrow, as well.  Praise the Lord.

We gather in His House tonight and I look forward to our time together.  I anticipate finishing Philippians 4: 10-20 tonight under the theme "Learning to Live in Contentment."  Our Wednesday night attendance has been very good and I appreciate you being present.  What rich Scripture we are plowing through as we finish Philippians.

All the other activities are going at a full speed tonight, as well.

Just a note...due to the Puppets needing the Auditorium to film, the Wednesday night Bible study will meet in the Locker Room tonight.  See you there.

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