Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The American Church

Here are two quotes I heard recently about the American church:

Tommy Nelson, Pastor, Denton Bible Church, Denton, TX speaking at the Pastor's Conference, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL on Monday, February 2, 2009:

"We have not made our churches more heavenly; but more American."
"We are seeing an Americanization of the gospel."
"We have traded the cross for a cushion."
"Today, we only want a gospel that will aid my prosperity and success."

Gordon Fort, Vice-President of Overseas Affairs, International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, speaking July 22, 2008 at Truth Tabernacle of Praise, Atlanta:

"If we could just understand that it's all about Him.  There are churches today that think their growth is a sign of God's blessing.  And they don't understand that the only reason people are coming to their church is because they are entertaining the people.  And the way you can tell the difference is if you strip away everything that happened on the platform, all the overheads, media, and all the stuff that goes on.  If in four weeks time, people are still coming back to the auditorium, then you know its because God is in the place.

But if they don't come back, its because they were coming for the entrainment.  And there is a huge difference.

When God's presence is manifested in a place, then not only will people drive to come to that place, they will buy an airline ticket to go and experience the presence of God.  People go to Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York City, not because of the great music, or to hear the preacher preach.  They go because when they arrive, the presence of God is being manifested and people's lives are being changed.  That's the difference."

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