Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Richard Owen Roberts on Revival

I heard Richard Owen Roberts, International Awakening Ministries, last night online at Pastor’s Conference, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL. Richard Owen Roberts has been preaching revival for 60 years. He is from Wheaton, IL. Dr. Mac Brunson, Pastor, FBC Jacksonville, called him “the closest thing to an OT prophet we have.”

I had been told of Dr. Roberts by several of my friends of “revival” and had read some of his sermons that had struck my heart, especially on repentance. But when I saw he was speaking last night and it was online, I made an appointment with myself to hear him.

Of course, he spoke on revival. Here are a few comments he made:

Some say revival is rain from Heaven. I define it as “glory in the church.” It is God manifesting Himself among His people. It is God drawing near.

The world is without Christ because they don’t believe in us. There is nothing in us they find desirable.

A revival in the church results in an awakening in the world.

What is your greatest allurement to Heaven? What are you looking forward to the most? It should be the unbroken presence of our Lord.

What is the awful fear of hell? His unbroken absence.

Concerning America and the perspective of revival in America, he said:

There is no clear word from God that the end is near. There have been times worse than today. And if you don’t believe that, then you are ignorant of history. In every generation, there were those who said, “Things are so bad that surely this is the end.” But there as not been anyone God has sent to America to say, "This is the end. So we need to get busy and occupy until He comes."

From Abraham’s intercession with God about destroying Sodom, God promised not to destroy them if there were ten righteous people there. Surely there are more than ten righteous people in America.

In II Chronicles 34-35, God had already declared judgment on Judah but revival still took place. God can still send revival even if judgment has been declared.

He told of a praying meeting in Wheaton when a denominational leader asked him, “Having prayed earnestly for revival, is there anything else legitimately we can do?”

He answered: We can use to the fullest every divinely ordained means of grace (channels God has provided for grace to flow to His people). Then he listed the nine means:

Prayer, the Word, Repentance, Faith, the Ordinances, Church discipline, Christian fellowship, stewardship, and praise. All nine must be saturated by the power of the Holy Spirit.

You can hear some of his sermons at You can purchase the CD of his message last night from FBC Jacksonville.

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