Friday, August 21, 2015

Modesty… is it worth the battle? – by Dave Snyder

Modesty…is it worth the battle?
Modesty.  Is it really worth the battle?  Have you found yourself fighting this with your family or friends?  What is modesty?  Can we limit modesty to just clothing (or lack of)? Here are some simple thoughts to go with the issue of modesty.
  1. Modesty is a matter of the heart.  When I’m addressing this ongoing issue with teenagers, my aim is to point them to their heart.  When one dresses or acts with self-centered motives, immodesty is found.  We cannot limit immodesty to JUST the dress of women.  When men and women dress, act, or speak in such a way that takes anyone’s focus off of Jesus, immodesty can be found.  For guys, it may be mainly behavior.  For ladies, it may be mainly what they wear.  In either case, both are guilty parties and need a heart examination.  Our aim is to glorify God, not to draw unnecessary attention upon ourselves.
  2. Modesty must be addressed in the home.  Parents, please help the church with monitoring and guiding your children to modesty.  When a young lady wears inappropriate clothing in public, a parental mistake has happened.  When a young man acts rudely or disrespectfully toward others, lack of parental discipline is found.  Our children and teens need to see the pure, graceful, and beautiful love of Jesus.  This can lead them to dress and act in a way reflecting their faith.  The church and society benefits when families are intentional with the image they bear each day.  Dads and moms, it is OK to say NO to what your daughter or son wants to wear.  It is OK to remove privileges from your son or daughter if their behavior doesn’t glorify God.  Modesty can be taught.  Modesty can be experienced.  Long for it as a family.
  3.  Modesty must be approached with grace, not legalism.  When we approach someone struggling with modesty, our aim is graceful restoration, not judgmental victories.  A young lady in church may not have many outfits that are appropriate.  A young man may not have a father figure helping him behave in a Godly manner.  Correction must come with grace and with a longing heart for growth in Jesus.  We all make a major mistake when we side with our legalism and begin hunting for modesty offenders.  It’s not a hunt.  It is a pursuit of godliness and growth in the hearts of broken people.  In fact, legalistic tendencies may come from an immodest heart.  Be careful.
  4.  Modesty points to worship.  When someone chooses to dress or act in a manner worthy of the Gospel, worship takes place.  Someone will dress or behave by their values.  If we love and treasure something we value, we worship.  For the sake of Christ and the purity of the church, may our lives reflect worship in each step we take!  When one chooses to live modestly, the attention is pointed more to Jesus.  It is awesome.
Our words, our attire, our decisions, and our thoughts…may they all reflect the character of Jesus.  Modesty is worth the fight.  Let us continue the fight for the glory of God.  This sinful culture benefits from immodest Christians.  Let’s rebel against immodest conformity and choose the holiness of Jesus in our clothes and actions!

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