Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heard any jokes about your church recently?

This morning as I was preaching and partially using the Pharisee of the elder son in Luke 15, I reminded our church that what the father did in welcoming and providing acceptance for his younger son was a disgrace and shame to all the Jews who heard it. I asked our church, "When was the last time you experienced shame because of the church you attended? The gospel you represent?"

Then this afternoon I finished hearing Dr. Chuck Kelley's message that I mentioned a few days ago in my blog. These are some of Dr. Kelley's comments:

"In the New Testament world, they lived differently than their neighbors. That's why there were called Christians. It was a term of derision."

"The problem with our churches is that we don't witness to our neighbors, its that more of us do not look and live like Jesus."

"When was the last time you heard a joke about Baptists? It's not a good thing."

"We are blending in more than we are standing out."

Then he concluded where members at CrossRoads will recognize for the amount of time we spent on this verse in the fall; II Chronicles 7:14.

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