Saturday, March 28, 2009

Letter from Citizens for Better Alabama

Dear Fellow Alabamian,

I'm Eric Johnston, director of Citizens for a Better Alabama. The people of our state are being inundated with a deceptive public relations campaign targeted to confuse citizens about a bill concerning illegal gambling in Alabama. The ads, which you may have seen or heard, feature country music singers promoting the "Sweet Home Alabama Plan" and saying "let the people vote" The ads may look and sound good on TV, but it's a scheme meant only to trick people.

They say their plan will to stop illegal gambling. That's just not true. The truth is, their plan will authorize the development of mega-casinos throughout the state and ultimately invite more crime and corruption into our communities. They say their plan is to tax "legal bingo" to pay for better schools. That's just not true. In fact, it's not bingo at all. Their plan authorizes Las Vegas style slot machines and would result in less than one half of one percent of education spending.

The people of this state deserve to know the truth. We have produced a short video titled "The Truth About Illegal Gambling" to make sure people have the facts about this plan.

The Citizens for a Better Alabama may not have the millions of dollars it would take to combat these deceptive ads on the airwaves, but we do have the truth on our side. I believe we also have enough people like you throughout this Alabama who don't want to see our state become the haven for casino corruption as others have. I believe we have enough support to start a grassroots movement that can stop this bill in its tracks and protect our communities by finally putting an end to the spread of illegal casino gambling.

I hope you'll join our cause and lend your voice to tell the Legislature to vote NO on casinos, NO on corruption and NO to the spread of gambling in our state. Call your State Senator and State Representative today, and ask your family, friends, and church members to do the same. You can click on the following links to find direct numbers for each legislator, or you can just call the House and Senate switchboard numbers listed below and ask for your legislators.

State Senate
Phone: 334-242-7800

State House of Representatives
Phone: 334-242-7600

Remember, the gambling bosses will make sure their voices are heard in the halls of the Legislature. If we don't pick up the phone and call our legislators, the crime, corruption, and broken homes that gambling brings could be on our doorsteps.


Eric Johnston
Citizens for Better Alabama

PS - Please take a moment to view our YouTube video. Or paste this:

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