Saturday, January 2, 2010

more from Charles' Stanley's book on the Spirit-filled life

Over the last two weeks, I have read Charles Stanley's The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life. Over these last days of 2009, I am using this blog to share some of the actual comments from the book.

We don't need more full-time Christian workers in the church. We need more full-time Christian workers in the marketplace with the people who need to hear the truth. Please don't use church work as an excuse to escape from the ministry God has chosen for you. Some people you rub shoulders with every day will never darken the door of a church. You are their only link with the truth. Humanly speaking, you are their only hope. And that is why God put you there. Typing reports, filing records, selling widgets - it's all God's work. Your attitude and excellence on the job are the bridge to someone's heart. (page 143)

The Holy Spirit is sufficient for you no matter what you are forced to put up with. (page 143)

The Holy Spirit does not speak on His own. "He will not speak on His own initiative." God has chosen to communicate to His children through the Holy Spirit. He is God's mouthpiece to believers. When God chooses to speak directly to you, it will be through the Holy Spirit. (page 167)

When you think about it, this really makes perfect sense. After all, where does the Holy Spirit reside? In you! And in me! Therefore, He is the perfect candidate for communicating God's will to Christians. Living inside us, He has direct access to our minds, emotions,and consciences. (page 167)

The absence or presence of peace is often the first indication that the Holy Spirit is up to something. Inner peace is a difficult concept to define, but it is easy to identify its absence. Peace is the ability to lie in bed at night, look up at the ceiling, and know everything is going to be all right when everything really isn't all right. Peace is an inner settledness. (Page 183)

My comment: I've already said that "peace is God's signature and joy is His calling card."

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