Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reflections after Turning 60 Yesterday

Well, turning 60 was made special by so many, but especially my sweet wife, Roxanne Cofield. She knows how much I love more "formal" dining and she went out of her way last night to make that happen with Keith, Madison, Kevin, Brooke and two granddaughters there (Brooklyn and Abby) plus Lyveral. Got to facetime with the other grandchildren. It was a special evening - most likely one of the best we have had as a family in years. Then Tim Lett dedicated his music time last night to me letting me pick out all the songs (which was a rehearsal for my funeral - haha). I know you are not supposed to count, and I normally never look at the "likes" on pages...but yesterday between my nephew (Chad Cofield) posting, Keith Cofield and Roxanne, I had 416 likes to their posts, 697 comments and 327 posted directly to my wall. Plus texts and calls. I tried to respond to each one and I hope I didn't miss anyone. But from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Yesterday was also my niece's birthday (Rissa Cofield Parrish). I'm glad they are still making them like Rissa. Love her so much.
One last word..our Dad died on May 4...45 years ago yesterday. Oh how I would love for him to have known Roxanne, my boys and grandchildren. I can't help but believe our lives would have been better. My nephew (Chad Cofield) wrote a Facebook post about him and several commented. After 45 years, still being remembered says a lot. Grateful to God for a strong Christan dad and mother and growing up in Boaz, Second Baptist Church, with pastors like Bro. Clinton Garmon (my father in the ministry) (Joan Garmon Dewberry), men like W.H. Hayes, Dwight Teal, and so many others. Blessed all the days of my life...and the best is yet to come!!!!

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