Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Seven Signs of Spiritual Hunger by Helen Calder

My friend, Bobby Atkins, recently posted this "Seven Signs of Spiritual Hunger" by Helen Calder.  This was too good not to pass to you.  This is an excellent tool to examine one's level of spiritual hunger. 

  1. You are Dissatisfied with the Status Quo: Hunger for God is often characterized by a feeling of discontent, you sense you are missing something in your relationship with Him
  2. A Past Encounter with God Stirs Longing in You: Memory of a past encounter with God stirs hunger in you! You may find yourself longing for what is behind—what you have tasted before, can be yours again—and more!
  3. You are Feeling Weak or Depleted Spiritually; Awareness of your spiritual weakness can be painful, but within that trial, is an invitation from the Father!
  4. You Realize You Have Lost Your Passion; You may be able to look back and remember a time in the past when you were more passionately in love with God than you are right now (Rev 3:14-22)! Jesus is knocking on your door, will you open the door and experience a fresh, new encounter with Him through the Holy Spirit?
  5. You are Losing Your Appetite for Other “Comforts”; Unhealthy substitutes no longer satisfy you, as they once did. You are being drawn by the Holy Spirit to discover that God is your source, your food, your delight! Answering Jesus’ knock requires us to move towards the Sound of His Invitation—and Receive Him In! There comes a moment when your hunger exceeds your Hesitations—you move toward the door!
  6. You are Being Stirred out of Your Comfort Zone; “And you will seek Me and Find Me, when you Search for Me with all your Heart (Jer 29:13)! Hunger is an active state, for it results in you seeking out the object of desire that will satisfy your need. Hunger results in motion! But Jesus’ call to intimacy challenges us. To answer His knock, like Solomon’s maiden, we must stir ourselves from our place of spiritual rest (SOS 5:3)! Encountering Him becomes more important than our own comfort for our longing for Him has been awakened!
  7. You are Turning to the Bible to Encounter God; How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth (Psalm 119:103)! God reveals Himself through the Scripture—and your hunger for Him will inevitably lead you back to His Word! In the Bible, we discover fresh revelation about who God is to you, Right Now! As you begin to wonder that you have not seen these truths before—you are Partaking of Fresh Food! Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Mt 5:6)!

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