Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Slave Sermon Series Begins Tomorrow

In January 2001, the Lord did a significant work in my life during a personal, in-depth study of the Servant passages in the book of Isaiah. 

I seldom have ever shared that publically in the United States but on rare occasions, the Holy Spirit would urge me while I have been speaking to pastors overseas that I needed to share the essence of the teaching and I would. 

As we have been in the Gospel of Luke for these weeks, last week I pointed out to you that the word "servant" used in Luke 12: 35-48 was the word "slave."  In the 8:30 service, I wondered aloud if the Holy Spirit was giving me permission to share this teaching. As the week has progressed through study and prayer, I sense the GO from the Holy Spirit.  I believe I know of the reasons is that it is not planned in my preaching, thus it is not me "wanting" to do it; instead it is the prompting of the Holy Spirit in His time.  The other reason is I know my days of getting to preach to a congregation for a long period of time are limited (5-7-10 years) and these are my "last days" of pastoral preaching so it weighs heavy on my heart - what will I leave behind.  I feel that same way about teaching through the book of Job and dealing with the Biblical issues of healing and prosperity on Wednesday night.

So, tomorrow morning, I bring what I think will be a short four-part series "The Slave."  Tomorrow coming out of Luke 12 it will be "The Blessed Slave."  Other messages will be "The Listening Slave," "The Obedient Slave," "The Freed Slave."

I can't wait....

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