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Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Lord's Day (July 23, 2023) at Rainsville First Baptist Church

The online Scripture resource Bible Gateway is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.  It recently revealed its five most searched Bible verses.  The top verse searched probably won't surprise anyone:  John 3:16 ("For God so loved the world...").  Most likely the next four don't surprise you either:  Jeremiah 29:11 ("For I know the plans I have for you...."), Philippians 4:13 ("I can do all things..."), Psalm 23:4 ("Even though I walk through the valley...") and Romans 8:28 ("And we know that in all things God works for the good...").

What is interesting about the most viral verses being tweeted, hashtagged, shared, favorited, bookmarked, or highlighted - whether through Bible Gateway, YouVersion, or any other source - is that the reason they went viral had little to do with the actual meaning of the verse itself.

But one reason these verses were marked is a desperate cry for hope in a dark season of life or in our uncertain world.  

Such is the case of Jeremiah 29 which will be our text for this coming Sunday morning.

As we begin a season in the life of Rainsville First Baptist Church where we are turning our attention to "Times of Spiritual Renewal," I want to begin by looking at Jeremiah 29 when God is giving to Israel the bad news their Babylonian captivity is going to last 70 years; so get ready to remain in this state for a while.  And God further tells them instead of cursing the judgment or trying to change the certainty of God's judgment, they should instead "seek the peace of the city where I have carried you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace."

I believe America is under the judging hand of God and while I still have hope it can be reversed, what is God's will for us in the midst of this judgment?  What about praying for our city and seeking its peace? 

I look forward to sharing God's Word this Sunday as we ask God to use us for the peace of our communities.

Also this Sunday, Bro. Max will be baptizing Jada Hutchison.  

Here are the songs we will be singing:

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