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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Two Characteristics of a Nation Where God is Moving Today

On Wednesdays, I write for our church expounding on foundational issues vital to our local church's life.  Occasionally, I will write about the persecuted church as I did here on June 21

I believe the persecuted church is mainly forgotten, or unknown, to the American church.  Many years ago through my many opportunities to preach in other countries, the Lord revealed two characteristics of the people where God is moving mightily.  In every situation I can find, every move of God has at least one of these two elements:  poverty or persecution.

The largest population of Christians in the world today is in China.  That's right, China.  Not America. And the fastest-growing church is in Iran. And persecution is the element these two have in common. There is poverty in Sub-Shara Africa. There is extreme persecution in central and northern Africa.  Yet, some say Africa will be a Christian continent in 50 years.  WOW.

And for the most part, the American church has neither.  We are rich (Revelation 3:17) and in need of nothing.  And when we see what our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering in other countries, then we are nowhere near that type of persecution in America.

As a result of this revelation from the Lord, I have disciplined myself to read about the persecuted church to gain knowledge of its current state.  please, note, I said "current." There have been more martyrs in the church in the last decade than in all the years of the Christian church put together.  Our brothers and sisters are losing their lives, homes, families, jobs, and church buildings daily for no other reason than they are followers of Jesus Christ.

Additionally, for the past 25 years, at least, I lead our church annually to observe "The National Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church" in November. 

I have mainly done this through the monthly publication of "The Voice of the Martyrs." I never, I repeat NEVER read a monthly episode that my heart is not moved and tenderized for the persecuted church. It is a discipline that I need to be reminded of those who are suffering for the very same thing I am doing...believing in Jesus Christ alone for my salvation, preaching the gospel, attending church services, and seeking to have family and friends to do the same.

You can receive their monthly magazine free or visit their website here.   Open Doors is another wonderful ministry. 

So periodically I will share stories of the persecuted church here on Wednesdays.  I believe it is important for us to know and pray. But it also may be a preview of "coming attractions" to us in America. 


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