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Monday, July 17, 2023

The Vision of God Transforms Us - Part Two

Last Monday (July 3), we started this series of writings on the vision of God.  So many of the great prophets of God had visions of God: Abraham, Moses, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and John. 

These visions reveal something to His people about Himself resulting in them being radically transformed.  One's eyes cannot be opened to the glory of God and remain the same.  It is a total impossibility.  Once seen, forever changed.  

We see Him daily in His Word.  II Corinthians 3:18 "But we all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit." 

God reveals Himself through His Word.  He did so to all the great prophets of the Old Testament and He continues to do the same today through His written, infallible word given to us through the pages of Holy Scripture.  No other experience with God in a person's life is trustworthy that does not occur grounded in the Word of God.  God speaks daily through His Word, we listen and obey.  And we "are being transformed ... from glory to glory."

But there are moments whether in our study of God's Word, our prayer time, or like Ezekiel just sitting by the water when God opens our eyes to a more spiritual truth or revelation of Himself taking us deeper into Him. Oh, those moments.  As I shared last week, we don't seek the experience, but He gives them out of His deep care.

Why? Warren Wiesbe says, "The vision shows how God is working in His world.  What looks like a storm to us is the tool of His providence.... He saw God's glory and fell on His face in humble worship (Ezekiel 1:28). Only a vision of the glorious throne of God can sustain you when the way grows difficult."

God knew Ezekiel was about to experience the most difficult time of his life and he was not prepared.  So, God shows up in fresh revelation and vision to do something inside of him to prepare him for what was ahead.

God's grace is always sufficient to sustain us through the storms of life.  God never leads us through difficult seasons without Him providing all we need (and even more) for the season.  God gloriously reveals Himself to us causing deep, humble worship and resulting in a transforming of our soul.  This is the preparation ground for the next season of our life. 

Where do we find the strength to be sustained in a stormy season of life?  Through His Spirit, the Scriptures, and his sustaining grace granted freshly into our souls.  Oh, what a Father.

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