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Monday, July 10, 2023

The Vision of God Transforms Us - Part One

The Bible is God's revelation of Himself to us.  He pulls the curtain back of his ways and words to reveal Himself.  All of Heaven is absorbed with Him.  His creation manipulates His handiwork. And human beings are His masterpiece.  All were created to reflect His glory.  Like the moon gives light, but not of itself; it simply reflects the light of the Sun.  We are moons, He is the Sun.

Throughout Scripture there are continuing visions of God created for the purpose of persons personally knowing Him.  These visions radically reshape the person's life causing them to redirect the purpose of their life, speak a word previously unknown, repent of a sin, or be so wonderfully changed they never think or feel the same again.

One such vision was given to Ezekiel.  He was living in Babylon, hundreds of miles away from his Jewish homeland and culture.  But while living in exile, God granted Him a fresh vision of Himself to sustain Him in this difficult season of His life.

The vision was not sought after by Ezekiel.  Yes, we want to "know Him" (Philippians 3:10) and God is looking for those who will seek Him (John 4:23), but we do not seek experiences, we seek Him.  It is God who reveals Himself.  We don't pull on the curtain causing it to open or pull on it so hard it falls down so we can have a new, fresh, vision.  He opens the curtain sovereignly in His time and place.

Ezekiel was where he was because God put him there and he was sitting by the Chebar Canal when "the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God." (Ezekiel 1: 1). This is wonderful news saying to me and you God can show up anywhere.  He is God at our home, our place of work, the classroom, on the beach, or in prison or a foreign land.  God is not limited in geography since He is a God who created the entirety of the universe.  

David said "Where can I go from Your Spirit? ... If I ascend into heaven, You are there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there." (Psalm 139: 7-8)

Where are you today?  Suffering on the bed of affliction?  Serving as a missionary in a strange, unwanted culture?  Working beside a woman who is totally ungodly? Living with a spouse who hates the Christ in you?  There is no place God can not show up to you when you least expected it.

And when He shows up it will radically transform your life.

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