Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Signs of the Times in America

Two things have recently happened in America culture causing one to stop and say, "Where are we as a culture?"

One is the issue of abortion.  And the face of this recent issue is Larry Hogan.  Mr. Hogan is the former Republican governor of Maryland who is now running for the seat in the United States Senate.  He has always been a more moderator Republican, but just this week he came out reversing everything he has ever said about abortion to fully embrace "choice."  In fact, he said he would "codify Roe vs Wade."

When asked by the Washington Post about his recent position, he said, "The times have changed.  Look, things have changed over the last couple of decades and over the last year or two."

I would ask, "Have they?  Has the baby in the womb of a mother changed in the last year or two?  Has life beginning at conception changed in the last year or two?  Has taking a life granted by God alone changed and it is no longer murder?"

No, what has changed is someone using the issue of abortion to get what they want - elected to the Senate.  And now the debate among others is whether to permit abortion at six weeks, fifteen weeks, or until birth.  God help us.

Here is my take - abortion is not a political issue.  The truth of abortion does not change no matter what one is running for or from.  I understand politics, but if you have to change your version of the truth in order to appease voters, then it would be better to sit at home alone than to be in Congress.  Truth does not change and it cannot be comprised for political or monetary gain.

Second issue...Harrison Becker, kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs.  Just a brief word here.  He gave a Commencement address on May 11, 2024 at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.  In this speech, this 28-year-old husband, father, and sports icon spoke boldly of his faith (though he is a Catholic, most everything he said is believed by other Christians who not Catholic), the importance of the family, and the dignity of life.  I remind you he was speaking at a Catholic school.  But he has been torn to shreds by the elite of this country for trying to take us back "to the 50's." 

You can read the full text of his speech here. 

Oh God, save this country.  But what I'm afraid is all of this is a continuing sign of God's judgment on us permitting us to go further into our own murk and mire.  No election, no national crisis (remember 911 and COVID), and no program is going to save us.  Only a true return to God beginning as a true revival in the church and moving out to a spiritual awakening in the culture.  

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