Friday, May 3, 2024

This Lord's Day (May 5, 2024) at Rainsville First Baptist Church

Have you ever seen something and said, "I wish I had not seen that."  

Ever heard some news and said, "I wish I had not heard that."

That may be what we say after we go through Genesis 34 this Sunday.  So why are we doing it?

First of all, because God believed we should know this.  Can you imagine all that is omitted from the Bible?  And then there is Genesis 34 with rape, rage, and genocide and we say, "Did we really need to know this?"

Second, because we are preaching through the life of Jacob and this is included.  So why would we omit it?

Thirdly, "all Scripture is profitable..." (II Timothy 3:16). So this Sunday we will seek to hear what God wants to say to us about these events in Jacob's life that can help us in our life.

Just a brief warning...we will speak of rape this Sunday.  I know this can be a very sensitive subject, especially for ladies who have had to experience the horror of it personally or with a friend or family member.  We will seek to deal with it graciously and hopefully.  But I don't want you to be caught off guard as you gather for worship this Lord's Day.

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