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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for CrossRoads

As a church, we begin our annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting on Sunday, January 6.  We will follow the Jewish calendar beginning our fast at sunset going through the same time the following day.

We are asking our church to take a day for a total fast.  Some, in the past, have done this and more.  For those, do no less than you have done in the past and consider adding a new dimension to your prayer and fasting.

If you have never participated, take the challenge of doing at least one day of fasting (as your health permits).  Some have used the Daniel Fast in these days.  Resources for the Daniel Fast are on the church's web site.

There is a sign up at the Resource Table at the church building to declare your day.

Here are some resources for you:

Go to our church's web site for more resources to use during this time.

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