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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Sabbath - The Principle Part II

(This is part two of the message I preached January 13, 2013.)

  1. The Sabbath is a Command to Obey - Exodus 20:8-10

This fourth commandment is the longest of the ten.  Every seven days they were to cease from their labor  - no work in the fields. Every seventh year, all the fields were to remain fallow and not be cultivated at all (Lev. 25: 1-7).  Every 49 years there was to be a Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25: 8-11) of no labor and freedom.

But it is the only one of the Ten Commandments that is not repeated in the New Testament because the strict observance of it was for Israel only.  The church is under grace and in a New Covenant.  

We don’t live under the letter of the law, but the spirit or principles of the law still guides us.

Note:  whatever came up in the fields that year was permitted.  There needs to be days in our lives that whatever comes up in the field is just left there.

Israel was a land of rest and freedom.  It was not a sign of laziness or lack of productivity.  In face, in the long run, people who are deeply rested are far more productive.

We need to be reminded we are not in control, we are not the providers of our family - God is.  The world does not depend on me.  In fact, by the time God made man (Day 6) - He had already created everything and then on Day 7, He rested.

If you are worrying on your sabbath day - you are not resting.  Matthew 6:25-34 is Jesus’ famous words three times given “Do not worry.”  All of this is in the context of work.

God is your provider.  He is in control.  Don’t worry.  Failure to honor this is nothing short of rebellion.

III.  The Sabbath is a Gift to Receive - Deuteronomy 5:12-15

This sabbath was given to ex-slaves.  Normally, slaves don’t get a day off, but God wanted them to know they were no longer slaves, but sons-and-daughters.

The Sabbath is a reenactment of emancipation from slavery.  You are free - no labor - no one telling you what to do.

Their value now is not in what they can produce, but in their relationship.

Notice in Exodus 16:21-30 that  God even provided extra manna on the day prior to the Sabbath so they would not have to collect it on their only day of rest.

If you can’t observe a sabbath, it is a good sign you are still a slave.  Your slavery may be at the hands of chasing the American dream, medical school demands, your family’s hopes for you, or even yourself.  

But God says - I am your provider.  I am your protector.  Take the day off.  Unplug. Rest. Rejoice. Remember

But being able to take and enjoy a sabbath is a sign of freedom.  And the real freedom comes with the Gospel, as we’ll see next week.

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