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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Sabbath: The Promise Part II

  1. Rest is the starting place for the Gospel each day.
We are not saved by grace and kept saved by works.  We are free from the need to earn our salvation or pay God back by our works.

We serve in love through the spiritual gifting and empowering of the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 4:3  “The works are finished from the foundation of the world.”

The Sabbath means God rested from His creation.  He didn’t have to keep going back for minor revisions or to fix flaws.  His work was complete and perfect.

By the power of His Word it is upheld.  Jesus holds all things together.

If Jesus is holding this creation together, don’t you think He can still hold your salvation together?

Phil 1:6  - “He that started a good work in me will see it to completion”

We are to rest in faith in God like God did at creation.  He knew he had set something in motion that was destined to come to pass.

We work from rest.  It doesn’t mean we don’t work.  But we work from rest - not to get something -  but we already have something in us.

Stop striving.  Stop worrying if you will make it to Heaven - if you have faith alone in God.

Adrain Rogers said, “I will not work my soul to save.  That work, my Lord has done.  But I will work like any slave for the love of God’s dear Son.”

Consider what Jesus did on the Sabbath day in His life.  Jesus performed some very unique miracles on the Sabbath day.  Why did He chose what He did on that particular day?

Note these five things:
  1. Disciples picked corn and ate:  God is our provider.
  2. He healed on the Sabbath:  God is our Healer
  3. He cast out demons:  God is our authority.
  4. He opened blinded eyes:  God is our sight.
  5. He gave strength to lame legs:  God is our strength.
III.  Rest is a present reality resulting in a permanent residence.  

There remains a rest for the people of God.  God has promised us a permanent rest in Heaven.

What did we once call a nursing home?  A “Rest home” Let me tell you I have a “rest home” in my future and it will not cost me everything that I have worked for - it is already been paid for by Jesus on the cross.

Hebrews 4 indicates Sabbath is a type of the future kingdom of rest.

“O land of rest for thee I sigh,
When will the moment come?
When I shall lay my armor by
And dwell in peace at home?”

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