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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Encouragement for those who think they are a "nobody"

When I was in the ninth grade at Boaz High School, we had to learn a poem by Emily Dickinson that included the verse, "I am a nobody, who are you? Are you a nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us - don't tell.  They'd banish us you know."

I vehemently opposed the message of that classic poem because there are "nobodies."

But as I ponder it many years later, I have felt at times like a "nobody" and I'm sure most of us have.

For those who feel that, there is good news from Jesus.  There are many who Jesus used who were "less than the most popular, best looking and most likely to succeed."  Look at three of the twelve apostles chosen by our Lord:

*  Thaddaeus - his name "Breast Child" which most likely means he was the runt in his family.  He most likely wrestled often with a poor self image, yet Jesus found him worthy.

*  James the less - how you would love to be identified as such?  We know nothing more about him than this.  Not an impressive resume is it?  unless Jesus is your boss.

* Simon the Zealot - which identifies him with his political party forever.  His radical social agenda couldn't possibly be used for spiritual reasons or in the church, could it?  Yes, if Jesus is the one "beating your drums."

So if you struggle with a poor self image or think you are a "nobody," take heart - you are a prime candidate for a follower of Jesus!!!  Now that is a somebody.

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