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Thursday, January 3, 2013

The "Word" for 2013

I'm not one to seek a "Word" for a year or any situation.  I strongly believe that a "Word" from God in a given situation - a "rhema word" - must always drop into our spirits sovereignly.  I know my heart well enough to know I can and would try to manipulate the Word of God to get what I wanted otherwise.  But when God sovereignly drops a Word, it is a Word that I can stand on through hell and back.

But as I was praying and reading recently over the holidays, I sensed God dropped a Word in my spirit for me in 2013.  I can not force this word on you nor can you accept it a word for you.  But may I just share the Word and let the sovereign Spirit do as He wishes.

Colossians 1: 10 "and you have been filled in Him...." (ESV)
"and you are complete in Him,...." (NKJV)
"and in Him you have been made complete..." (NASB)
"and in Christ you have been brought to fullness...." (NIV)

Fullness...complete.  Reminds me of Jesus' words in John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it to more abundantly (to the full)."

As believers and followers of the Lord Jesus and inhabitants of His life through the Spirit, we are complete...full.  Needing nothing more, can take nothing more, having capacity for nothing more.  "Topped off" - may be even overflowing!!!!

In Christ....not in religion, human relationships, achievements, success, financial gain, victories...we are complete and full.  None of these other things bring us fulfillment.  Only Christ.

So here is the opposite of that....if 2013 or any point of life takes away a human relationship, we fail, lose money instead of gaining, lose battles instead of winning...these things do not change our standing.  We are still complete in Christ!!!  These "subtractions" can not shake us or change us any more than "additions" can - because you can't add or subtract anything from the completeness and fullness of Christ.

May our mind and spirit be stabilized through the storms of life by this wonderful privilege, promise and potential.

Blessings to you, my beloved, for 2013.

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