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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and this Tuesday, January 22, the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade decision to legalize abortion.  Our pro-abortion President recently shared the very essence of the pro-life message in the context of the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings.  The question I have, is what is the difference between those precious children and the ones in the womb?  Listen

No unborn baby has ever had the right to choose or deny its own destruction. —R.C. Sproul

For millions of unborn babies, the womb has become a cell on death row. —R.C. Sproul

The time to choose whether or not to have a baby is not after the baby has been conceived... —R.C. Sproul

Just a thought:  more innocent children are killed in their mother's womb "legally" in this country than all the mass shootings by mad men.  May be the conversation of how to stop these mass killings should begin with a renewed value of human life in the most precious state of all - the womb.  

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